Authenticity, Diversity & Healing Community


The authentic self-disclosure of each human being parallels the authentic self-disclosure of God. We believe that human beings were created in God’s image, and as we find out more about what it means to be human, we correspondingly learn more of the divine. Similarly, as we discover the divine we also discover our humanity.

Healing Community

We believe that liberating, divine acceptance expressed by any human caregiver through interpersonal relationship, even without explicit or overt witness to the divine source of this acceptance is, in fact, an expression of the love of God, even if caregiver and receiver may or may not be aware, in such an experience, of God’s unique self-disclosure. God is present.

The apostle John said it this way… “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” - 1 John 4:16b 

In this context, God does not simply analyze and diagnose mankind’s need but actively and empathetically participates in the diversity of human experiences, including human suffering. God also lovingly recognizes human inconsistencies with forgiveness and hope by presenting us with new possibilities for self-understanding, acceptance, and resolution.


In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.

There are some things that we believe that are essential for our growth and development as God’s children. You can read about these in our Statement of Faith. Many other things, however, are open to interpretation. We embrace that freedom with open arms.

Ultimately, our desire in all of these things is to love one another as Christ has loved us and to follow His leadership, wherever that may take us.


The job of Love


Into every arena of Life